
Dr. Manny: How the Fisher Center is leading the search in finding a cure for Alzheimer’s disease

January 23, 2015

To me, the greatest significance of the Fisher Center for Alzheimer’s Research Foundation is that it supports one of the most incredible teams of researchers in the world as they work to understand and find a cure for Alzheimer’s disease.

There is currently no cure for Alzheimer’s disease, and the number of people diagnosed with it is expected to double worldwide by 2030. While great work has already been done with regard to finding a cure, research in this area must continue to advance now more than ever. Leading the way is the Fisher Center, which has just launched a new website ALZInfo.org, aiming to connect patients, families and medical professionals worldwide.

The most exciting part about the this new interactive, innovative website is that patients and their families are now going to be a part of the journey toward finding a cure. With each question answered, and every finding published, we take yet another step closer to ending this disease together.

ALZInfo.org provides families and patients with tools that they can utilize to improve their daily lives, and clearly showcases for them new studies and findings led by Dr. Paul Greengard and his team at Rockefeller University in New York City. Patients and families, as well as medical professionals from all over the world, will have access to countless articles and important updates, while also having the opportunity to speak with researchers on all-things Alzheimer’s. Users can submit their questions and expect a personalized response, while caregivers will find additional resources and tips as they embark on this difficult journey.

I am extremely proud of the Fisher Center, not only because of the leadership that they have shown worldwide in working to eradicate one of the most devastating diseases, but also because of how they have maximized the utilization of every dollar toward research, and for how they have achieved the highest quality rating of any foundation in America.

The mantra of the website is “Together, we can make Alzheimer’s nothing but a memory.” With this innovative cross-platform tool at our fingertips, I believe that we will. The possibilities for patients and their families have become endless.

If you have a family member suffering from this tragic disease, or you wish to learn more about Alzheimer’s and the Fisher Center, visit ALZInfo.org.

Dr. Manny Alvarez serves as Fox News Channel’s Senior Managing Editor for Health News. Prior to this position, Alvarez was a FNC medical contributor. Click here more information on Dr. Manny’s work with Hackensack University Medical Center.
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Source: Fox News


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