
Exciting Discoveries in Alzheimer’s Disease

August 12, 2010

The Fisher Center for Alzheimer’s Research Foundation primarily funds the research of Nobel laureate Dr. Paul Greengard. Dr. Greengard and his team of scientists have recently developed new technologies that will accelerate the pace of future Alzheimer’s research. Based on these new findings, we have increased our funding commitment to support the promising new research initiatives that are now possible. Click here for the latest breakthrough in Alzheimer’s research

  • 35 million people worldwide have Alzheimer’s disease
  • 5.3 million Americans have Alzheimer’s
  • Every 70 seconds someone in America develops Alzheimer’s disease
  • Alzheimer’s, now the fifth leading killer, rose 47% from 2000 to 2006
  • 54% of the U.S. population has been touched in some way by Alzheimer’s
  • Presently, there is no cure for Alzheimer’s disease

Alzheimer’s Disease Cause, Care, & Cure

The Fisher Center for Alzheimer’s Research Foundation serves people with Alzheimer’s and their families by funding research to understand the causes of, find a cure for, and improve the quality of life for people with this devastating disease.  We are committed to making Alzheimer’s disease nothing but a memory.


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