
Yes, I Hate Alzheimers

I hate Alzheimers. I’m not suffering from the disease directly, but my father, who turned 90 in August, is in the late stages. Unfortunately it runs in my family. My grandmother had it. My maternal great grandfather had it. It appears that other members of my family, going back farther, had it as well.

Alzheimers has affected our whole family. My mother, who is 88, is taking care of my dad and it is wearing her out. It’s even affected my 8-year old son who is struggling with trying to understand why grandpa doesn’t remember him.

This blog won’t take away the disease, or prevent me from getting it. But I hope it will help us all cope. It will help us deal with watching Dad deteriorate. But it will also help us to remember the type of person he was. And I hope, if anyone else reads this, that others will be able to share their stories as well.

So here we go . . .