
Donald David Nicol

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DONALD DAVID NICOL was born on April 20, 1914, one of twelve children born to Albert J. Nicol and Anna Marie Martinson in Milford, Iowa. He was raised on a prosperous corn farm, but he must have realized early on that it was hard physical labor, and opted for the opportunities which a university education would present. He was a Sigma Nu at the University of Iowa, and in the process of completing his degree, he met Mildred Sapp (Midge), whom he married in 1938. In 1941, leaving a three year old son and his wife, he went off to war, serving as a Captain in the 20th Air Command based in the South Pacific, including two years on Tinian Island.

Dad’s career was insurance, and upon retirement he had completed 35 years with Lincoln National Life, but he excelled as a husband, father, mentor, Baptist, gardener, and all around home-handyman. He did not allow himself time for hobbies, instead dedicating himself to providing for his family, and instilling in his four children (David, Susan, Nancy and Julie) integrity, economy, and appreciation for a job well done. Midge showed her love and dedication to him until the end, accompanying him in his battle with Alzheimer’s with grace and patience. He died on August 29, 1996.

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1 entry.
Julie Nicol Rowe
Dear Dad,
You are forever in my heart!
I Love You So,

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Brings Us Closer to a Cure

Charity Navigator GuideStar Gold Seal of Transparency America's Best Charities

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Every hour we need $25 to maintain our equipment and in-house facilities.


You will pay for one of our researchers for 1 hour.


Every hour we need $130 to maintain our equipment and all of our facilities.


You will pay for one full hour to run our entire laboratory.

Four Star Charity

Charity Navigator

For the tenth consecutive year, we have been awarded the highest, 4-star, rating from Charity Navigator, the nation’s premier charity evaluator. The rating is based on fiscal management, accountability and transparency. No other Alzheimer’s related charity has so consistently received this high award.