
May 15, 2019


With Memorial Day occurring at one of the most beautiful times of the year: the end of spring and the beginning of summer; we would like to take a moment to pause and remember the fallen active military persons who sacrificed their lives for our freedom.

As the days get warmer and longer, let’s eat heart healthy meals that include grilled veggies, replace sugary soda with sparkling water and go outside to play.  Whether it is riding a bike, playing tennis or golf, swimming or power walking around the block, never underestimate the positive impact nature has on our mental health.

In our first article, Nature Medicine published a study that suggests ongoing physical activity may delay the onset of Alzheimer’s and may help those who already have the disease.

Under other conditions, our second article focuses on how heart rhythm disorder (commonly called A-fib) is connected to dementia, and people who treat A-fib with blood thinners are less likely to develop dementia than their peers.

To learn more about the above-mentioned research, please read these expert-reviewed articles and for more information about Alzheimer’s; please visit our website at www.alzinfo.org.

Thank you for your interest in learning more about the research progress being made at the Fisher Center.

Together we can end Alzheimer’s.

Lucretia Holden
Senior Vice President